What is Partial (Groupage) Transportation?

Partial literally means part, not whole.
Transportation services such as complete, partial (groupage), project and heavy transportation are offered in the transportation sector. 
The logistics of transporting the loads of different customers on the same route with the same truck, pickup truck or truck is  called partial (groupage) transportation  or piece goods transportation. The main purpose of partial cargo transportation is to bring the cargoes requested to be transported on the same route to an economical level by loading them on the same vehicle, even if the amount of cargo does not fill a complete vehicle.

How is Partial Load Calculated?

In the transportation sector, the volume of the transported cargo is also very important along with its weight. Calculations in partial transportation, which is included in road transportation, are made using cubic meters, weight and lademeter (Loadmeter – Ldm) calculation criteria.

m3 calculation of partial load; It is QUANTITY x  WIDTH x LENGTH x HEIGHT  .

1 m3 = 333 kg evolves.
1 ton = 3 m3 evolves.
1 ldm = 1750 kg.

Types of Partial Transportation By

Road:  It is a widely used type of transportation. Distribution is made in accordance with the route planning by using land vehicles. Loading is done from the door or from the warehouse.

Airline:  In general, partial cargoes are transported. The loading process is done at the airport or airport. Cargoes to be transported abroad must be bonded.

Seaway:  Offers container and open cargo transportation options. It is not used much in domestic transportation methods. Ships load partial loads from ports in Turkey with customs clearance.

Railway: It   is an inexpensive but not preferred method. Carrying costs are created by renting a part of the wagon and shipments are made in this way.





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