What is an EORI Number?

EORI Number is an arrangement made within the scope of safety and security measures in the EU Customs Legislation. The word EORI is an abbreviation of the words “Economic Operators Registration and Identification Number” and its Turkish equivalent is “Economic Operators Registration and Identification Number”. This Number is valid in all EU countries, and can be used in all EU customs, which are purchased at once. The authorized customs office of any member country can issue this number. With this number, all information regarding all kinds of goods entering and leaving the Community Customs Territory is monitored.

Businesses that perform the following transactions should not receive this number;

All traders (especially transporters) who will trade directly,
Summary Declaration, Customs Declaration, Entry-Exit Summary Statement, Temporary storage etc. directly to the EU customs administrations. Transporters, Exporters, Importers, that is, foreign businesses that are in contact with customs, who are not resident in the EU customs region, carrying out transactions such as:

While the businesses that will do the above transactions can apply on the day of the transaction, it is beneficial to apply in advance as the process will take a few days.

It is important in terms of time saving as the companies that operate with this number will minimize the waiting times at the EU border crossings.

The procedures to be applied in obtaining this document and the documents to be requested may differ in each country.

From the link below, you can find the contact information of the authorities authorized to issue an EORI number in EU member countries.



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